Lucia, the bringer of light and joy, has been affectionately depicted in artwork by renowned Swedish artists such as Carl Larsson. While she often carries a tray filled with traditionally Swedish treats like gingerbread biscuits (In Sweden known as ‘Pepperkakor’, included in the latest Norlii Box) and saffron buns – known as ‘Lussekatt’ to Swedes – Lucia in my mind is best honoured through sipping on sweet cups of glögg (mulled wine) adorned with almonds and raisins. Enjoying this treat outside the weeks leading up to Christmas might be considered sacrilege by many!
Norlii provides the perfect way to curate a home that reflects Scandinavian and Swedish design. Our bimonthly subscription box offers stylish, unique items for your space – making it cozy, harmonious and exciting with six new arrivals every year! All boxes are curated based on a theme and for December box 2022 it is Stockholm in December.
Have a great Scandinavian Christmas month and a great Lucia Day today!